Dr. Nikolai Ivanov Velchev
Българска версия
    Born in Sofia on October 24, 1946.
    Graduate from Pirdop High School, officer in reserve from Pleven Military School, he has a  Degree in Medicine from State University in Sofia. 
    From 1984 - 86 he practised surgery in Libya. 
    Today he is working at Area Hospital, Pirdop Municipality. 
    Here is a list with enclosed Description of the Treatment:
Laparoscopy diagnostic and operations  Sectionless Camera Surgeries. In 95 % of  the cases the Operations are successful. 
Painless and bloodless treatment, short-time rehabilitation process
Artroskopy  TV Camera Sectionless Surgery of the Ariculation
Microwave unoperation and treatment of prostate  Ambulatory Treatment on a weekly basis (two-three applications)
Body Scanner  Stereo Picture of the Body
Ultrasound diagnostic   
Electronikal video gastroduodenoskopy  Diagnostics and Surgeries with a camera inserted through the mouth recess to access the abdominal cavity, intestines, the duodenum. 
Gall-stones Extraction, Stomach Surgery
Atpapilosvinkterotomy  Surgery of the bilinear channels, the stomach and svinkter.
You may write to Doctor Velchev at :
    Area Hospital 
    Tzarigradsko Shosse 
    Pirdop, 2070 
    tel. +359 7181 5631, +359 7181 5632 
      e-mail: daniel@bkltd.com